Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan PembangunanS1 Ekonomi dan Pembangunan |
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POSTING - 23 Desember 2022 |
University of Jember Becomes the Economic Driver of Sempu Village - Sempu District - Banyuwangi Regency![]() University of Jember through the Institute for Research and Community Service held Community Service activities based on the Development of Assisted Villages (PROBANGDEBI). PROBANGDEBI activities are an effort to contribute to bathing rural areas, especially the economic sector through governance and synergy between BUMDesa and other economic actors in the village. The activity was attended by several research groups at the University of Jember, one of these research groups was Sustainable Regional Development (SRD) chaired by Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, SE, MP. The SRD group focuses on conducting collaborative activities of BUMDesa to collaborate with other institutions both inside and outside the village. The development of rural areas is an important aspect to collaborate with many stakeholders in the village, such as the central government, regions, campuses, community institutions, civil organizations, and the business world. In addition to being related to collaboration, regional functions can also be used to bridge village and city interests. As an area, the aggregation of potential villages can be articulated more strongly in the face of urban interests. However, efforts to position the village with many stakeholders with all its potential. PROBANGDEBI activities by the SRD group were carried out in Sempu Village, Sempu District, Banyuwangi Regency from the period of August-December 2022 in collaboration with BUMDesa Sakti Sempu Village. The SRD group provides insight development and improvement of the skills of BUMDesa management as a form of provision for village progress readiness strategies, in addition to that the SRD group tries to optimize the potential of the village, one of which is Koceh Tourism through marketing and strengthening management through the Koceh website. It is hoped that performance service activities and optimization of BUMDesa as a buffer for economic independence in Sempu Village, Sempu Banyuwangi District, East Java, which aims at the independence of BUMDesa, are also expected to be able to stimulate and move the wheels of the economy in Sempu Village, Sempu District, Banyuwangi Regency. |