Working In Harmony Nurturing The Future

Welcome to The Study Program

Development Economics

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Jember

Vision and Mission

Becoming an Excellent Study Program in the Development of Environmental Economics and Agro-industry at the international level

  • Organizing Education

    Organizing education that produces graduates who are independent and innovative in the field of economics with environmental insight in order to produce graduates who work, are moral and pious to God Almighty, have an academic and professional attitude and have competitive advantage, adequate leadership skills, the ability to solve problems and adapt to the environment

  • Applying knowledge

    Applying knowledge to the planning and implementation of regional, national and international economic development, through the development of scientific studies on Regional Economics and Agribusiness (EWA), Human Resource Economics (ESDM) and Monetary Economics with an environmental perspective

News Release


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PSEP TV News Channel

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The International Summers Course Development Economics Study Program FEB UNEJ 2024 - Series 4

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Development Economics FEB UNEJ Admission

Want to study at the Study Program Development Economics Faculty of Economics and Business UNEJ ?

Get to know us and follow the registration to become part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.


Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si.

Head of Development Economics Department

Dr. Duwi Yunitasari, S.E., M.E.

Secretary of Development Economics Department

Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, S.E., M.P

Head of Study Program of Development Economics

Contact Us


Gg. 5, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur


(0331) 337990