NIP | : | 199108012023212043 |
Name | : | Umi Cholifah,S.HI.,M.H |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6033152 |
NIP | : | 197812252024211002 |
Name | : | Akhmad Munir S.,Th.I.,MA., |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6828275 |
NIP | : | 199203012023212046 |
Name | : | Lusiana Ulfa Hardinawati, S.EI., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Banking |
ID Sinta | : | 6033467 |
NIP | : | 198704082023211013 |
Name | : | Abdul Fatah, Lc., M.SEI |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199410112023211015 |
Name | : | Musa Al Kadzim, S.Ag., M.Ag., AWP |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Human Capital Management, Sharia Economics, Qur'anic Studies, Islamic Studies |
ID Sinta | : | 6792826 |
NIP | : | 199210152023211027 |
Name | : | Okyviandi Putra Erlangga, S.EI., M.SEI. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Welfare, Zakah and Waqf, Sustainable Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6858802 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 199301182023212038 |
Name | : | Inayah Swasti Ratih, M.SEI. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Human Resources |
ID Sinta | : | 6773030 |
ID Scopus | : | 57261759900 |
NIP | : | 198311182023211010 |
Name | : | Sjafruddin, M.E |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Capital Markets, Islamic Economic Policy and Governance |
ID Sinta | : | 6885653 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 195608311984031002 |
Name | : | Prof. Dr. Mohammad Saleh, S.E., M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 5973717 |
ID Scopus | : | 57210210363 |
NIP | : | 196411081989022001 |
Name | : | Dr. Dra. Sebastiana Viphindrartin, M.Kes |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Macroeconomics |
ID Sinta | : | 6008060 |
ID Scopus | : | 57214465732 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196101221987022002 |
Name | : | Dra. Nanik Istiyani, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economic Human Resources |
ID Sinta | : | 6014011 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196306141990021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Moehammad Fathorrazi, M.Si. |
: | atau | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 196403251989021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Zainuri, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 5998020 |
ID Scopus | : | 56495398700 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197207131999031001 |
Name | : | Dr. Herman Cahyo Diartho, S.E., M.P |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economic Development |
ID Sinta | : | 6700721 |
ID Scopus | : | 57214450401 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196809261994032002 |
Name | : | Aisah Jumiati, S.E,. M.P |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Microeconomics |
ID Sinta | : | 6035921 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196507301991032001 |
Name | : | Dr. Anifatul Hanim, M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Sharia Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6043154 |
ID Scopus | : | 57207883162 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196004301986032001 |
Name | : | Dr. Riniati, M.P. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Agricultural Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6013982 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196610311992031001 |
Name | : | Dr. Moh. Adenan, MM, |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Monetary Policies |
ID Sinta | : | 6009287 |
ID Scopus | : | 57210884969 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196505221990021001 |
Name | : | Dr. Agus Luthfi, M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6015739 |
ID Scopus | : | 57211279108 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197109051998021001 |
Name | : | Adhitya Wardhono, S.E., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. |
: |; | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Monetary Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6011183 |
ID Scopus | : | 57022357200 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197106102001122002 |
Name | : | Dr. Siti Komariyah, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Human Resources |
ID Sinta | : | 6016196 |
ID Scopus | : | 57191343706 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197804142001122003 |
Name | : | Dr. Endah Kurnia Lestari, S.E., M.E. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics Development |
ID Sinta | : | 6016787 |
ID Scopus | : | 57212468557 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 196907181995122001 |
Name | : | Dr. Lilis Yuliati, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6018128 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197002061994031002 |
Name | : | Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Statistic Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6657029 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 198301162008122001 |
Name | : | Fivien Muslihatinningsih, S.E., M.Si |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Human Resources Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6017835 |
ID Scopus | : | 57214455135 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197409132001122001 |
Name | : | Dr. Regina Niken Wilantari, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6013826 |
ID Scopus | : | 57221100254 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197707142008122003 |
Name | : | Dr. Ciplis Gema Qori'ah, S.E., M.Sc |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Monetary Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6033452 |
ID Scopus | : | 57214725748 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197806162003122001 |
Name | : | Dr. Duwi Yunitasari, S.E., M.E. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assoc. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Regional Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6008760 |
ID Scopus | : | 57207880957 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 197707302001122003 |
Name | : | Dr. Yulia Indrawati, S.E., M.Si. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Monetary and Banking |
ID Sinta | : | 6016080 |
ID Scopus | : | 57212323089 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 199005172015041001 |
Name | : | M. Abd. Nasir, S.E., M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | International Monetary Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6011159 |
ID Scopus | : | 57125664900 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 199308122022032019 |
Name | : | Rachmania Nurul Fitri Amijaya, S.E., M.SEI. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Halal Tourism |
ID Sinta | : | 6804132 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 199509292022031007 |
Name | : | Mohammad Zeqi Yasin,S.E., M.Sc |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Economics, Productivity, Convergence, Efficiency |
ID Sinta | : | 6769149 |
ID Scopus | : | 57203636606 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 199108172023211032 |
Name | : | Agus Mahardiyanto, S.E., M.A. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Marketing and Islamic Management |
ID Sinta | : | 6080878 |
NIP | : | 199308312023211017 |
Name | : | Robby Reza Zulfikri, S.E.,M.E |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Ekonomi Syariah |
ID Sinta | : | 6818959 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 198103302005011003 |
Name | : | Fajar Wahyu Prianto, S.E., M.E. |
: |, | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Urban Economics, Regional Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6017862 |
CV | : |
NIP | : | 199307022023212027 |
Name | : | Bahrina Almas, S.E., M.SEI. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Social Finance |
ID Sinta | : | 6858812 |
CV | : | |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 199102142024061001 |
Name | : | Dichi Febrian Putra S.E. M.Sc. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : |
NIP | : | 199603262024062001 |
Name | : | Dianidza Arodha, M.E. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Contemporary Issues of Islamic Economics |
ID Sinta | : | 6903562 |
Web Of Science | : |
NIP | : | 199705032024062002 |
Name | : | Nur Awali Khoirunnisa, S.E., M.E. |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Assist. Professor |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Finance |
ID Sinta | : | 6917676 |
NIP | : | 197705212024211003 |
Name | : | Suparman, S.Ag.,M.HI |
: | | |
Academic Level | : | Lecturer |
Research Interests | : | Islamic Law |
ID Sinta | : | 6827970 |
NIP | : | 760018035 |
Name | : | Venantya Asmandani S.E., M.A. |
: | ||
Academic Level | : | Lecturer |
Research Interests | : |