Accreditated Excellent
The bachelor of Development Economics study program received Excellent accreditation from the LAMEMBA National Accreditation Board
Vision and mission

Becoming an Excellent Study Program in the Development of Environmental Economics and Agro-industry at the international level
Organizing Education
Organizing education that produces graduates who are independent and innovative in the field of economics with environmental insight in order to produce graduates who work, are moral and pious to God Almighty, have an academic and professional attitude and have competitive advantage, adequate leadership skills, the ability to solve problems and adapt to the environment
Applying knowledge
Applying knowledge to the planning and implementation of regional, national and international economic development, through the development of scientific studies on Regional Economics and Agribusiness (EWA), Human Resource Economics (ESDM) and Monetary Economics with an environmental perspective
Building Synergies
Building synergies with bureaucracy, practitioners and implementers of policy makers through structured, systematic, consistent and integrative discussions using scientific methods to solve empirical problems that occur in society regarding fields related to study programs
Publish the results of Higher Education's Tri Dharma activities which include teaching, research, community service through action studies and the application of economics, especially in developing Regional Economics and Agribusiness (EWA), Human Resource Economics (ESDM) and Monetary Economics with a sustainable environmental perspective.
Able to internalize the attitude of piety to God Almighty
Able to analyze the concepts of economic theory, economic mathematics and development economics that support environmentally sound agro-industry
Able to solve problems using the concepts and principles of monetary economics, human resource economics, regional economics and agribusiness that support environmentally sound agro-industry
Able to apply quantitative and qualitative techniques as well as knowledge of monetary economics, human resource economics, regional economics and agribusiness to solve environmental agro-industry problems
Able to apply research methodology in economics